The daily miracles that incite happiness come from being grateful. When we ask: "what is happiness?", most of us have a multitude of varying answers. Some people spend a lifetime searching for happiness; others find it in a heartbeat. Is it a state of mind? Is it tangible? Is it related to status or demographic?
There are many scientific research on happiness, and somehow scientists conclude that happiness is how one perceives the world. No matter what status you are, you can have happiness.
In 2004, I almost lost my life from a ruptured uterus after giving birth to my second child. Waking up in the ICU and seeing a fuzzy polaroid of my baby for the first time in 3 days brought tears to my eyes and made me the happiest being in this planet. I was grateful I was alive to cherish and relish that moment. I couldn't wait to see him. Everyday, I ended reflecting with what I'm grateful about that day. I saw a different picture of life: It was more meaningful, and those I love, the planet I live in, the people I meet became the reason of my being here. I smiled and nothing was too hard to handle. Even when times were rough, I was, for some reason, thankfully, able to withstand it. But as years have gone and the hustle an bustle of family life gets in the way, there would be days where I forgot to reflect on what I was grateful of. Often, I find myself lost, but kept in track by gratitude.
December 2013, I came across this website called For some reason, as if fate had delivered it to me, I thought it was such a brilliant idea to journal what I'm grateful of. Then for some reason, things fell in place.